Create custom Tabbed navigation

Create custom Tabbed navigation

How to create Tabbed navigation which is a common UI pattern used to organize content into separate views.

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Targeting elements using CSS nth-child pseudo-class selectors

Targeting elements using CSS nth-child pseudo-class selectors

Learn more about CSS :nth-child pseudo-class selectors which offer an incredibly flexible method for targeting elements within a container.

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Create simple CSS only animated loader

Create simple CSS only animated loader

Create simple CSS only animated loader looking like spinning circle, which is commonly used to indicate user that something is loading or getting ready.

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Create XML sitemap using Jekyll

Create XML sitemap using Jekyll

A website sitemap is a file or a set of files that provides information about the pages, posts, videos and other assets on your website helping search engines to discover and index your website’s content more efficiently.

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Close Bootstrap mobile menu on menu item click

Close Bootstrap mobile menu on menu item click

How to close mobile Bootstrap menu on one pager website when user clicks on any menu link.

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