Declaring JavaScript variables using var, let and const
In JavaScript, var, let and const are used to declare variables, but they have some key differences in terms of scope, hoisting, and mutability.
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How to check jQuery version in Chrome DevTools
We’ve all been there, developed application locally using the latest jQuery version, passed it to the client to implement on their website and suddenly nothing is working.
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What's the difference between alert, confirm and prompt?
Alert, confirm, and prompt are JavaScript functions that allow you to interact with users through dialog boxes in web applications. They are used to display messages, gather user input, and confirm actions.
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Create simple words loop animation with couple lines of JavaScript
I worked on a project where clients wanted to have simple word rotation animation created and have new item added every week for next couple of months. Their idea was to create .gif and have it updated weekly by both designer and developer. This solution could definitely work ..
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How to deal with video that is delivered via iframe so it 100% fills it's container
There are lots of ways to display video on your website. One of them is using <iframe> to embed media such as YouTube, Vimeo or any other video provider that provides <iframe> code to display relevant video..
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